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Standard 2025 for Postal workers

The family-friendly plan for those who want traditional coverage and affordable premiums

Family playing tabletop game in living room

Standard plan highlights

  • Low deductible and predictable copays for the services families use most
  • Earn up to $250 per year per subscriber and covered spouse (up to $500 total) for healthy behaviors with our Health Rewards program
  • Comprehensive, 100% maternity coverage, including five mental health visits per pregnancy, per year, for treatment of prenatal and postpartum depression with an in-network provider, and infertility coverage for artificial insemination
  • $0 for one non-preventive PCP and two urgent care visits for children under 18
  • For retirees, the plan that pairs with Medicare to give you more, with waived coinsurance and copays, excluding prescription benefits. Learn more about G.E.H.A and Medicare

Not a Postal employee/retiree? View the 2025 FEHB Standard page

2025 PSHB rates

Pay frequency
Self Only
Self Plus One
Self and Family
Biweekly — employed
Monthly — retired
Pay frequency
Self Only
Self Plus One
Self and Family
Pay frequency
Biweekly — employed
Self Only
Self Plus One
Self and Family
Pay frequency
Monthly — retired
Self Only
Self Plus One
Self and Family
  1. These rates do not apply to all Enrollees. If you are in a special enrollment category, please refer to the PSHB Program website or contact the agency that maintains your health benefits enrollment.

Costs (what you pay in-network)

In-network providers agree to limit what they will charge you. You pay a fixed dollar amount or a percentage of the provider's negotiated amount. For out-of-network benefits, check the G.E.H.A Plan Brochure.
Medical benefit
What you pay
Preventive care
Annual physical exam, routine screenings, immunizations and more
Primary care office visits
Mental health office visits
Specialist office visit
MinuteClinic / Urgent care facility visit
Unlimited telehealth visits, including mental health, with  MDLIVE
Emergency room visit
Hospital care (outpatient / inpatient)
15%1 / 15%1
Lab services (QuestSelect benefit)
Lab services (other than QuestSelect)
X-rays and other diagnostic services
Maternity; preventive & childbirth / delivery professional and facility services
Chiropractic care (up to 20 visits per year)
Acupuncture (up to 20 visits per year)
Preventive dental care, twice yearly
Medical benefit
What you pay
Medical benefit
Preventive care
Annual physical exam, routine screenings, immunizations and more
What you pay
Medical benefit
Primary care office visits
What you pay
Medical benefit
Mental health office visits
What you pay
Medical benefit
Specialist office visit
What you pay
Medical benefit
MinuteClinic / Urgent care facility visit
What you pay
Medical benefit
Unlimited telehealth visits, including mental health, with  MDLIVE
What you pay
Medical benefit
Emergency room visit
What you pay
Medical benefit
Hospital care (outpatient / inpatient)
What you pay
15%1 / 15%1
Medical benefit
Lab services (QuestSelect benefit)
What you pay
Medical benefit
Lab services (other than QuestSelect)
What you pay
Medical benefit
X-rays and other diagnostic services
What you pay
Medical benefit
Maternity; preventive & childbirth / delivery professional and facility services
What you pay
Medical benefit
Chiropractic care (up to 20 visits per year)
What you pay
Medical benefit
Acupuncture (up to 20 visits per year)
What you pay
Medical benefit
Preventive dental care, twice yearly
What you pay

Deductible and out-of-pocket maximum

Network benefits3
Self Only
Self Plus One
Self and Family
Yearly deductible   (what you pay in-network)
Out-of-pocket maximum4   (what you pay in-network)
Network benefits3
Self Only
Self Plus One
Self and Family
Network benefits3
Yearly deductible   (what you pay in-network)
Self Only
Self Plus One
Self and Family
Network benefits3
Out-of-pocket maximum4   (what you pay in-network)
Self Only
Self Plus One
Self and Family

Prescription benefits

The table below summarizes your benefits for prescription drugs with the Standard plan. To find drug costs, use this handy check drug costs tool.

Prescriptions can be filled at a broad selection of in-network pharmacies nationwide. To find a pharmacy near you, go to

For details on specialty drugs that are injected or infused, check the G.E.H.A Plan Brochure.
Prescription benefit3,5
30-day retail generic
30-day retail preferred brand-name
40%  ($250 max6)
30-day retail non-preferred brand-name
60%  ($350 max6)
90-day mail service generic
90-day mail service preferred brand-name
40% ($550 max6)
90-day mail service non-preferred brand-name
60% ($650 max6)
30-day specialty CVS exclusive generic
50% ($250 max)
30-day specialty CVS exclusive preferred brand-name
50%  ($250 max6)
30-day specialty CVS exclusive non-preferred brand name
50% ($400 max6)
Prescription benefit3,5
Prescription benefit3,5
30-day retail generic
Prescription benefit3,5
30-day retail preferred brand-name
40%  ($250 max6)
Prescription benefit3,5
30-day retail non-preferred brand-name
60%  ($350 max6)
Prescription benefit3,5
90-day mail service generic
Prescription benefit3,5
90-day mail service preferred brand-name
40% ($550 max6)
Prescription benefit3,5
90-day mail service non-preferred brand-name
60% ($650 max6)
Prescription benefit3,5
30-day specialty CVS exclusive generic
50% ($250 max)
Prescription benefit3,5
30-day specialty CVS exclusive preferred brand-name
50%  ($250 max6)
Prescription benefit3,5
30-day specialty CVS exclusive non-preferred brand name
50% ($400 max6)

Standard benefits that go beyond

Maternity support

Pregnancy, fertility, childbirth, mental health, breast pump discounts and more

Health Rewards

Get rewarded for engaging in healthy behaviors

Vision benefit7

Low-cost vision coverage with $5 annual eye exam from EyeMed®

Ready to enroll?

Whether it’s Standard or another G.E.H.A plan you’re considering, we can help.
Fedviser talking on headset in front of computer

Get help from a federal benefits expert.

Talk with a FedViser to help you choose the plan that works for you.

By phone: Available 7 a.m.–7 p.m. CT
Live chat: Available 7 a.m.–6 p.m. CT

More ways to connect

Schedule a benefits session

Current G.E.H.A member needing help?

1 Calendar year deductible applies.

2 Standard, you pay a $250 copay for advanced outpatient high tech imaging such as MRI, CT, PET, etc.

3 In-network providers agree to limit what they will charge you. You pay a fixed dollar amount or percentage of the provider's negotiated amount.

4 The out-of-pocket maximum is the maximum amount of coinsurance, copays and deductibles you pay for all family members before G.E.H.A begins paying for 100% of covered services. This is a combined maximum for both medical care and prescriptions.

5 Refer to for formulary and specialty coverage for specific medications.

6 If you choose a brand-name medication when a generic is available, you will be charged the generic copay plus the difference in cost between the brand-name and the generic.

7 These benefits are neither offered nor guaranteed under contract with the PSHB Program but are made available to all Enrollees who become members of a G.E.H.A health plan and their eligible family members

This is a brief description of the features of the G.E.H.A Standard health plan. Before making a final decision, please read the Plan's Federal brochure RI 71-021. All benefits are subject to the definitions, limitations and exclusions set forth in the Federal brochure.

Need help choosing a plan?

Let our benefits experts help you choose a G.E.H.A plan that can work for you.

By phone: Available 7 a.m.–7 p.m. CT
Live chat: Available 7 a.m.–6 p.m. CT

More ways to contact us

Current G.E.H.A member needing help?

Health questions: 1-800-821-6136

Dental questions: 1-877-434-2336