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New for 2025: G.E.H.A Prescription Drug Plan

A Medicare PDP / EGWP that provides even greater prescription benefits

a pharmacist smiles as he give a customer her prescription

Announcing a new G.E.H.A Prescription Drug Plan/EGWP, a Medicare PDP/EGWP that provides comprehensive prescription benefits.

Your ability to get the prescriptions that you need is important to your health. This additional coverage means that you may receive even greater savings on your prescriptions at no additional cost to your current premiums.

G.E.H.A members don't have to do anything to enroll in the G.E.H.A Prescription Drug Plan/EGWP. You will be auto enrolled if you are an annuitant in G.E.H.A's PSHB plans or G.E.H.A's FEHB Standard or High plan — and you have Medicare Parts A and/or B for the 2025 Plan Year. The G.E.H.A Prescription Drug Plan/EGWP is offered by SilverScript® Insurance Company, which is affiliated with CVS Caremark®, G.E.H.A's current pharmacy benefit manager.

Who qualifies for G.E.H.A Prescription Drug Plan/EGWP?

  • All G.E.H.A PSHB retirees with Medicare Parts A and/or B who live in the US
  • All G.E.H.A. FEHB retirees with Standard or High with Medicare Parts A and/or B who live in the US

Will I receive a new/separate prescription ID card?

New members will receive a member ID card to use at the pharmacy in a separate mailing.

Not interested in the G.E.H.A Prescription Drug Plan/EGWP?

  • G.E.H.A PSHB retirees with Medicare Parts A and/or B who cancel their enrollment will not have prescription drug coverage with PSHB.
  • G.E.H.A FEHB retirees with Standard or High with Medicare Parts A and/or B who cancel their enrollment will be transitioned back to their base FEHB plan or commercial prescription drug plan.

Members who cancel their enrollment will receive a confirmation letter in approximately 10 days.

To disenroll from the G.E.H.A Prescription Drug Plan/EGWP, please complete the disenrollment form.

Need to opt-out / cancel from the G.E.H.A Prescription Drug Program / EGWP prior to your effective date?

  • Call SilverScript at 1-833-250-3241 or
  • Make a request in writing and mail to:
    SilverScript Insurance Company,
    P.O. Box 30016, Pittsburgh, PA 15222

Interested in reenrolling into the G.E.H.A Prescription Drug Plan/EGWP?

Call 1-833-250-3241 (TTY: 711), 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to access your new benefits. Reenrollment takes up to 2 weeks to process.

Here are some key benefits to the EGWP prescription benefit program:

  • Save on the amount you pay for Part D medications annually with a $2,000 out-of-pocket max
  • $35 monthly cap on insulin
  • $0 copay for vaccinations and Affordable Care Act (ACA) preventive medications
    • Examples include: breast cancer preventive meds, smoking cessation products and blood pressure medications.
  • Access to more than 63,000 pharmacies nationwide and mail-order prescriptions
G.E.H.A FEHB EGWP Prescription Drug Plan benefits
G.E.H.A PSHB EGWP Prescription Drug Plan benefits

Questions about Medicare Part D or any documents you receive from G.E.H.A and SilverScript?

Call the G.E.H.A and SilverScript Customer Care Line, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

  1. This is a brief description of the features of Government Employees Health Association, Inc.'s health plans. Before making a final decision, please read the GEHA Federal brochures. All benefits are subject to the definitions, limitations and exclusions set forth in the Federal brochures.