Get the expanded dental coverage you deserve

Woman brushing her teeth

G.E.H.A dental benefits go beyond

As a nonprofit that is member founded and member dedicated, we offer plans with comprehensive dental coverage that also come packed with vision coverage and extra benefits.1

Two dental plans at a glance

Your dental plans feature no waiting periods for services, comprehensive orthodontia benefits and valuable discounts on toothbrushes, teeth whitening and more.1

  • Starting at $10.14 biweekly

    • For individuals and families with routine needs – plus a few extras!

    • Lowest premium dental plan

    • Two cleanings per year, per member

    • Orthodontic coverage with no waiting periods

    • $2,500 annual maximum benefit per person when staying in network

  • Starting at $17.93 biweekly

    • Planning for more than routine procedures? You’re covered!

    • Unlimited annual maximum

    • Three cleanings per year for adults

    • Maximum coverage for major dental

    • Orthodontic coverage with no waiting periods

Enrolling now, or do you need more time?

Let us guide you to the best coverage for you.
Fedviser talking on headset in front of computer

Get help from a federal benefits expert.

Talk with a FedViser to help you choose the plan that works for you.

By phone: Available 7 a.m.–7 p.m. CT
Live chat: Available 7 a.m.–6 p.m. CT

More ways to connect

Schedule a benefits session

Current G.E.H.A member needing help?

Need help choosing a plan?

Let our benefits experts help you choose a G.E.H.A plan that can work for you.

By phone: Available 7 a.m.–7 p.m. CT
Live chat: Available 7 a.m.–6 p.m. CT

More ways to contact us

Current G.E.H.A member needing help?

Health questions: 1-800-821-6136

Dental questions: 1-877-434-2336

Learn more about G.E.H.A

We'll send you information to help you sort through your options and make the best decision for you.
We ask for this to provide accurate rates based on where you live.

GEHA will not share personal information with other organizations, we respect your privacy. By providing your email address, you agree to receive email news and information from GEHA. You have the ability to opt out from any email communication you receive from GEHA.

These benefits are neither offered nor guaranteed under contract with the FEDVIP Program but are made available to all Enrollees who become members of G.E.H.A and their eligible family members.

This is a brief description of services covered under the G.E.H.A Connection Dental Federal plan. For a complete list of plan limitations and exclusions, please refer to the G.E.H.A Connection Dental Federal Plan Brochure.