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Benefit of a gym membership in your exercise program

GEHA | April 19, 2019

Regular exercise can provide a variety of health benefits.

Exercise is good for you. Everyone benefits from exercise, regardless of age or physical ability. Here are six ways exercise can lead to a happier, healthier you.

Exercise does the following:

  • Controls weight
  • Combats health conditions and diseases
  • Improves mood
  • Boosts energy
  • Promotes better sleep
  • Can be fun and social
Exercise management

Many people manage their exercise regimen at home. It’s a convenient way to work it into their daily routine. However, some people find it easier to stay on track with their exercise program by working out in a gym.

Five reasons to consider joining a gym or fitness center:
  • Accountability
  • No distractions
  • Trainers
  • Community and friendships
  • Fun
GEHA gym membership benefit

Are you ready to join a gym? All GEHA medical plan members have access to more than 12,200 nationwide participating fitness centers and select YMCAs for $28 a month with GEHA’s Connection Fitness® powered by the Active&Fit Direct program.

The program offers a free guest pass so you can try a fitness center before enrolling. You even have the option to switch fitness centers to make sure you find the right fit. And with the Active&Fit Connected! tool you can track your workouts at a fitness center or through wearable devices, apps or exercise equipment.

To enroll in this program, sign in to your GEHA account and click the Active&Fit Direct image on your member dashboard. You'll be taken to the Active&Fit Direct site where you can learn more about the program and search for a gym near you.

“Exercise: 7 benefits of regular physical activity.”, Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research, 14 December 2018.
“Six Reasons to Join a Gym or Fitness Center.”, National Institute for Fitness and Sport, 5 September 2017.