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The American Cancer Society wants you to Get Screened

GEHA | August 4, 2021

More than 1 in 3 people will be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime. Catch it early with screenings.

The American Cancer Society (ACS) began its Get Screened campaign in May to encourage people to resume regular cancer screenings and follow-up care.

The campaign emphasizes the importance of detecting cancer early when it is easiest to treat. Early detection of colon and rectum, breast, uterine, cervical and lung cancer through screening can reduce the risk of death.

The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted many people’s routine screenings and health care. The ACS predicts that these disruptions will likely affect cancer survival among groups who already experience social or economic challenges in receiving screening and care.

“We’re at a unique moment in history in the fight against cancer,” said William G. Cance, MD, chief medical officer of the American Cancer Society. “What we do right now to combat the staggering declines in cancer screening rates that we’ve seen over the past year will have reverberations for decades to come.”

The ACS hopes to see cancer screening rates rise to pre-pandemic levels and beyond with several measures, including the development of materials for health care systems, state-based interventions to improve health equity in under-served communities, and partnerships with public health groups, businesses, government and key leaders.

Talk to your physician about your personal risk factors for any form of cancer or other disease. Some screenings may require a referral. If you don’t have a primary care physician, use our Find Care tool to locate an in-network provider and/or radiology facility. 

GEHA covers preventive health screenings at 100% for in-network providers.

For a quick reference guide on recommended screenings, questions to ask your doctor, how to talk to a loved one about cancer screenings and other resources, visit