Welcome to the Preconception Management Program
G.E.H.A is here to support health plan members1 with resources and guidance when considering a future pregnancy to optimize your health and well-being before conception.

Who we are — and how to reach us
G.E.H.A’s Preconception Management Program team provides dedicated nurses who give personalized support and guidance. Our nurses have extensive experience and specialized training in comprehensive maternal health. Customer Care is your primary contact for claims and benefit questions. To speak with a Maternity nurse case manager or contact Customer Care, call 1-800-821-6136. You may also email us at preconception@geha.com.
A few ways we can help you include:
- Assist in establishing a relationship with trusted providers.
- Assess your well-being holistically, including mental health, and educate on how various stages of care, from preconception to postpartum, can impact your overall well-being.
- Provide necessary resources or referrals for identified needs such as a registered dietician or a health coach to optimize your holistic health needs.
- Educate and empower you regarding preventive health services such as HPV and other gynecologic screenings, diet and nutrition, vaccinations, folic acid supplementation, and contraception management.
- Help navigate plan benefits and care management programs, including maternity and fertility care as appropriate.
What is "preventive care," and how is it covered under G.E.H.A's FEHB and PSHB health plans?
What is "preventive care," and how is it covered under G.E.H.A's FEHB and PSHB health plans?
We provide benefits for a comprehensive range of preventive care and professional services for adults and children, including the preventive services recommended under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.
Preventive care services are generally covered with no cost-sharing and are not subject to coinsurance, deductibles or annual limits when received from a network provider.
Here are some resources that can help you learn more about preventive care:
1 If Medicare or other coverage is your primary payer, you are not personally eligible for this program, but your covered family members are.
* These benefits are neither offered nor guaranteed under contract with the FEHB and PSHB programs, but are made available to all Enrollees who become members of a GEHA medical plan and their eligible family members.