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Monday–Friday from 7 a.m.–7 p.m. Central time
We have recently made system upgrades to better serve you. During the update, members and providers may experience longer than usual hold or processing times. We appreciate your patience.
New Member ID cards have been mailed or are in process. Your Member ID card number has changed; please share your new ID number with any provider or pharmacy for services or prescriptions. Members: ID card numbers can also be found on the MyGEHA portal. Providers: Use the new ID card number for claims or authorizations.
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Need help choosing a plan?
Let our benefits experts help you choose a G.E.H.A plan that can work for you.
By phone: Available 7 a.m.–7 p.m. CT Live chat: Available 7 a.m.–6 p.m. CT
It is important to know when you enroll in a GEHA Plan, benefits are available as described in the Plan’s Federal brochure, but the guaranteed participation of any one doctor, hospital or other provider cannot be guaranteed. Before scheduling an appointment or receiving services, please check with the provider and health plan to confirm network participation.
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Terms of Use:
This site is for informational purposes only. It is not a substitute for health care advice. This directory does not recommend a particular provider or type of medical or other type of health care. The choice of provider is yours. By using Find Care, you acknowledge and agree that Find Care and all of the data contained in the search belongs exclusively to Government Employees Health Association, Inc. ("GEHA") and is protected by copyright and other law. Find Care is solely provided for the personal, non-commercial use of current and prospective GEHA members and Providers. Data on this site is not a statement of health benefits. This information is provided solely for personal, non-commercial use of current and prospective GEHA members. GEHA reserves all rights to take appropriate civil, criminal or injunctive action to enforce these terms of use.
Check with your providers: The information contained in the provider search is subject to change at any time. Therefore please check with the provider before scheduling your appointment or receiving services to confirm he or she accepts GEHA coverage. Not all providers are considered participating in-network providers at all locations in which they practice. It is the member's responsibility to verify with the provider, prior to services being rendered, that the provider is a participating network provider at the location services are being rendered. In addition, not all services performed at a participating provider's office are covered services. It is the member's responsibility to verify coverage of services. Participating physicians, hospitals and other health care providers are independent contractors and are neither agents nor employees of GEHA. The availability of any particular provider cannot be guaranteed and provider network composition is subject to change.