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Provider resources


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Provider portal

Click the button below to access our provider portal (where faxbacks are located).
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G.E.H.A requires providers to obtain authorization before some services and procedures are performed:
Authorizations for HDHP, Standard and High | Authorizations for Elevate/Elevate Plus

Coverage policies

For services requiring authorization with no coverage policy listed below, please consult UnitedHealthcare's Commercial Medical & Drug Policies and Coverage Determination Guidelines. If G.E.H.A and UnitedHealthcare both have a coverage policy related to the authorization request, then the G.E.H.A policy will apply.

Clinical guidelines

G.E.H.A uses UnitedHealthcare's Clinical Guidelines. The clinical guidelines are intended to inform network providers and G.E.H.A medical plan members of the medical plan's position on the treatment of certain common conditions. These guidelines apply to HDHP, Standard and High medical plan members.

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