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Frequently Asked Questions

Need help choosing a plan?

Let our benefits experts help you choose a G.E.H.A plan that can work for you.

By phone: Available 7 a.m.–7 p.m. CT
Live chat: Available 7 a.m.–6 p.m. CT

More ways to contact us

Current G.E.H.A member needing help?

Health questions: 1-800-821-6136

Dental questions: 1-877-434-2336

For new members, your ID card should arrive 10 to 14 days after G.E.H.A receives your enrollment form.

For existing members who have requested replacement ID cards, please allow 10 to 14 days from the date of your request.

If you are already enrolled in a Self and Family medical plan, you can contact us directly to add your newborn by calling 800.821.6136.

If you are not yet enrolled in a Self and Family option, please contact your personnel office to make the change.

Click to order a free maternity resource kit.

A calendar-year deductible is the amount you must pay out-of-pocket each year before the plan begins to pay benefits. Not all services are subject to the deductible.

See the plan brochure for more services payable without deductible.

To qualify for the transplant travel and lodging benefit, you must meet all of the following criteria:

  1. G.E.H.A is your primary insurance carrier.
  2. You will be having a transplant that is considered specialized. There include: stem cell, bone marrow transplants for qualifying diagnoses and solid organ transplants including: autologous pancreas inlet cell transplant (as an adjunct to total or near total pancreatectomy) only for patients with chronic pancreatitis; heart; heart/lung; intestinal transplants (isolated small intestine; small intestine with the liver; small intestine with multiple organs, such as the liver, stomach and pancreas); kidney/pancreas (when both organs are transplanted during the same procedure); liver; lung; pancreas. (Please note: kidney-only transplants and cornea transplants are not considered specialized and do not qualify for the travel and lodging benefit.)
  3. The facility where you will be getting the transplant is a plan-designated facility for the transplant you are having that is over 100 miles from your home address.

We provide benefits for a comprehensive range of preventive care and professional services for adults and children, including the preventive services recommended under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. 

Preventive care services are generally covered with no cost-sharing and are not subject to coinsurance, deductibles or annual limits when received from a network provider.

Here are some resources that can help you learn more about preventive care:

Access to 24/7 virtual access to certified doctors, including dermatologists and licensed therapists for all GEHA medical plans through MDLIVE. Visit our telehealth webpage or call 888.912.1183 to access on demand, affordable, high-quality care for adults and children experiencing non-emergency medical issues. This includes treatment of minor acute conditions and counseling for behavioral health and substance use disorder.

Note: This benefit is available only through the MDLIVE contracted telehealth provider network.

Submit claims to the network address on the back your GEHA ID card, for both in- and out-of-network claims. Submit Medicare primary claims or out-of-network charges that you have paid in full to:

P.O. Box 21542
Eagan, MN 55121 

Note: All claims submitted to GEHA should include itemized bills that show the following information:

  • Patient’s name, date of birth, address, phone number and relationship to member
  • Patient’s plan identification number
  • Name and address of person or company providing the service or supply
  • Dates that services or supplies were furnished
  • Diagnosis
  • Type of each service or supply
  • The charge for each service or supply
  • Provider signature

Note: Canceled checks, cash register receipts or balance due statements are not acceptable substitutes for itemized bills. 

For more information, visit Claims for GEHA medical members.

Click Sign in. From there, you will need to either sign in or create an account. Once you are signed in, find the "View all claims/EOBs" link on your member dashboard. You can view GEHA claims processed in the last 10 years.

When Medicare is primary, every effort must be made for Medicare to receive all required information to make an accurate benefit determination. GEHA must have the Medicare reason for denial to make our benefit determination.

Medicare does not cover all services. When GEHA has a benefit for those services, GEHA will process your claim per the guidelines in our plan brochure.

Verify with your provider that they are in the network indicated on your insurance card. Next, review your Explanation of Benefits with the provider, including the notes documentation for the disallow amount and patient responsibility amount.

If your provider does not cooperate, please contact Customer Care at 800.821.6136 or write to us at:

P.O. Box 21542
Eagan, MN 55121

You’ll need to sign in to your GEHA web account using the Account Sign In box on the left. Be sure to check the box next to “Provider.” If this is your first time signing in, you’ll need to click “Register Now” to get started. Once you’re signed in, you’ll have access to eligibility information as well as up to 18 months of claims data.
No. If GEHA is your carrier for both FEHB and FEDVIP coverage, you only need to submit the bill once. We will take care of the rest for you.
Yes. We will coordinate benefits with TRICARE dental and other group dental coverage.
When a member has more than one insurance plan, GEHA needs to know so we can determine how to coordinate your coverage to ensure you’re getting the most out of your plan.

One plan becomes your “primary” plan and will process your claims first. The “secondary” plan may pay toward the remaining charges. This process is called coordination of benefits.

I’m a GEHA dental member. Why is GEHA asking for information about my health plan?

The Federal Employees Dental and Vision Insurance Program (FEDVIP) requires the FEHB plan to be primary over the FEDVIP plan. This is known as “coordination of benefits.” Many FEHB plans have limited preventive dental benefits. When GEHA is secondary, our payment will be the lesser of 1) our regular benefit or 2) the remaining balance which when added to the primary carrier's payment will not exceed the dentist billed amount or the negotiated rate. In addition to benefits payable by your FEHB medical plan, you should let GEHA know if you or your covered dependents have other dental coverage.

How is it determined which plan is “primary” or “secondary”?

We apply guidelines from the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC).

The most common rules for determining the order of payment are the Non-Dependent/Dependent Rule, the Active/Inactive Rule and the Birthday Rule.

  • Non-dependent/Dependent Rule: The plan that covers an individual as an enrollee or subscriber is the primary payer over a plan that covers an individual as a dependent, for example, as a spouse.
  • Active/Inactive Rule: The plan that covers an individual as an active employee or as the dependent of an active employee is the primary payer over the plan that covers the individual as a retired or laid off employee or as the dependent of such an employee.
  • Birthday Rule: This rule determines whether a plan is primary or secondary for a dependent child who is covered by both parents' benefit plans and those parents live together. The plan covering the parent whose birthday (month and day only) falls first in a calendar year provides primary coverage for the child. If both parents have the same birthday, then the plan that has been in effect the longest pays as primary.

A different set of rules applies to a dependent child whose parents are divorced or separated or are not living together, whether or not they have ever been married:

  1. If a court decree states that one of the parents is responsible for the child's health care expenses/coverage ("health care coverage responsibility") and the plan covering that parent has actual knowledge of those terms, that plan is primary. If the responsible parent has no coverage for the child’s health care expenses, but that parent's spouse does, that parent's spouse's plan is the primary plan.
  2. If a court decree states that both parents are responsible for the child’s health care expenses/coverage, the Birthday Rule determines the order of benefits;
  3. If a court decree states that the parents have joint custody without specifying that one parent has health care coverage responsibility, the Birthday Rule determines the order of benefits; or
  4. If there is no court decree allocating health care coverage responsibility for the child, the order of benefits for the child is as follows:
    1. The plan covering the custodial parent;
    2. The plan covering the custodial parent's spouse;
    3. The plan covering the non-custodial parent; and then
    4. The plan covering the non-custodial parent's spouse.
  5. For additional information on NAIC rules regarding the coordinating of benefits, visit the NAIC website.

    How does the coordination of benefits happen?

    If it is determined that GEHA is the secondary plan, copies of the primary carrier’s Explanation of Benefits (EOB) forms will need to be submitted by you or your provider. Once we have a copy of the EOB, GEHA can determine our payment on the remaining balance.

    If the primary plan is a FEHB plan, GEHA will estimate benefits payable if the FEHB EOB is not received. The estimation of benefits is based on the dental benefits listed in the FEHB brochure.

    How does GEHA know who my FEHB carrier is?

    GEHA receives information every Open Season, through BENEFEDS, indicating the 3-digit FEHB Health Plan enrollment code. GEHA may request that you verify your health insurance plan annually or at the time of service. You may call or mail other coverage information or report it online at

    Can’t the plans just work it out? Why do I have to get involved?

    Most commercial plans only share protected health information with their members or providers.

    Update your information to process claims faster

    Coordinating your benefits helps us process your claims faster and maximizes your benefits, which can lower your out-of-pocket expenses. It is important that we keep your information up-to-date. We’ll send you a letter from time to time asking if you have any additional coverage. Please respond to that letter. If we don’t receive your response, we may delay processing your claims until the information is received.

    We appreciate you taking an active role in making certain your information is correct.
Dental benefits available from your FEHB carrier will be considered before we calculate benefits payable by GEHA. You must include your FEHB plan ID number on your claims when you submit them to GEHA.
Submit your claims directly to:
GEHA Connection Dental Federal
P.O. Box 21542
Eagan MN 55121-9930
If you have additional dental coverage, you must first submit your dental claim to your other dental plan(s), then submit your dental claim to GEHA along with the other plan's explanation of benefits (EOB).

If you are not a GEHA FEHB medical plan member, you must first submit your dental claim to your FEHB medical plan, and then submit your dental claim to GEHA, along with the FEHB medical plan's explanation of benefits (EOB).

If the EOB from your FEHB medical plan is not submitted with your claim, we may estimate the amount your plan would have paid.
This plan will cover the replacement of an existing appliance, such as a bridge, denture or implant, if the appliance needs to be replaced, is at least 5 years old and cannot be fixed.
Yes. You can find this information in Section 5 of the dental plan brochure.
No. We will pay the same percentage whether you use an in-network dentist or an out-of-network dentist.

If you use an out-of-network provider, you would be responsible for paying the difference between their charge and the GEHA allowable amount.
GEHA Connection Dental Federal pays a percentage of costs. You can find the percentages paid for covered services in section 5 of the GEHA Connection Dental Federal plan brochure.
No. We will pay the same percentage whether you use an in-network dentist or an out-of-network dentist.
GEHA offers multiple ways to submit a claim.

  1. GEHA will accept an itemized bill or receipt that includes all of the following information:
    • Name of patient and relationship to member
    • Member identification number
    • Name, degree (MD, RN, PhD, etc.) and address of provider
    • Date of services or treatments
    • Description, in English, of each service or treatment
    • Tooth number, tooth surface, quadrant, and/or arch on which treatment or service was performed
    • Charge for each service or treatment

    Note: In most cases we are able to convert charges into dollars and translate services into English. You may aid this process by submitting a separate English-language outline of the rendered services and/or treatments. Be sure to include your name and GEHA ID number on this outline and on the original itemized bill. We will do our best to work with what you send us.
  2. You may also print an ADA claim form.

You or your provider may send paper claims to:

GEHA Connection Dental Federal P.O. Box 21542 Eagan MN 55121-9930

You may also send them via e-mail to or fax them to 816.257.3241. Please send a separate fax for each patient. Also, please designate on the claim whether you want payment to be distributed to you or your provider.
No, we do not have a missing-tooth limitation.
Charges for other work, such as routine cleanings, apply to the calendar year dental maximum per covered person. The orthodontic lifetime maximum is separate and applies to orthodontic treatment only.
For some services, there may be more than one acceptable choice of treatment. Our plan will limit benefits to the lowest-cost treatment option that meets accepted standards of professional dental care. Limiting benefits to the lowest-cost treatment option allows us to provide coverage for as many common procedures as possible while keeping our members' premiums affordable. When we apply an alternative benefit to limit reimbursement, our action is not meant to dictate treatment or to question the professional judgment of your provider.

In Section 5 of the Plan Brochure we have added asterisks (*) to help you identify procedures that we determined have a lower-cost treatment option.
You can view our plan summary information or download the plan brochure, which include specifics on covered services as well as any limitations and exclusions. We also have a dental pricing lookup tool to allow members and prospective members to look up the general non-network maximum allowable charge for common dental services.
Dentists often contract for payment of the total treatment charge when the bands are placed. If the waiting period has been met, the total case fee and the maximum allowed amount will be divided by the number of months for the total treatment plan. Each resulting portion will be considered to be incurred on a quarterly basis until the lifetime maximum is paid, treatment is completed or eligibility ends – whichever comes first. You do not need to resubmit the charges each quarter, but we will require your dentist to verify that you or your child is still receiving active treatment.
Yes. All GEHA health and dental plan members receive vision coverage for no additional premium. GEHA makes this non-FEDVIP, non-FEHB benefit available through EyeMed Vision. If you are a GEHA Connection Dental Federal FEDVIP plan member or covered dependent, you pay only a $5 copay on an eye exam at participating EyeMed in-network locations. Or, you may receive up to a $45 reimbursement benefit at a non-participating out-of-network location. You can also receive discounts off the retail price of lenses; frames; specialty items such as tints, lightweight plastics, and scratch-resistant coatings; contact lenses and surgical procedures (including LASIK) at participating EyeMed locations. For a list of participating locations, go to and select the Insight network from the "Choose Network" drop-down list, or call 866.804.0982.
Yes, that is correct. Coverage for all FEDVIP plans begins January 1 of the new plan year.
Unfortunately, time covered by Connection Dental Plus will not count toward the orthodontic waiting period for GEHA Connection Dental Federal. These are separate programs and eligibility will not transfer from one to another.
No. You can be enrolled in any health plan and still enroll in GEHA Connection Dental Federal. The only requirement is that you must be eligible to participate in the FEDVIP program.
You must update your address or enrollment and eligibility information at or by calling 877.888.3337. Please be sure to update both your residence address and your mailing address.
Yes, as long as they are eligible to participate in the FEHB program. You do not have to join an FEHB plan to participate in the FEDVIP program.
No. We still offer enrollment in Connection Dental Plus all year long. However, federal employees may enroll in our GEHA Connection Dental Federal FEDVIP plan only during Open Season unless they experience a qualifying life event that allows otherwise.

BENEFEDS sends G.E.H.A your enrollment record after your coverage is effective with us. G.E.H.A will mail your ID cards and plan information within 15 days after your effective date. For example, if your effective date is January 1, you should receive your ID cards by January 15.

In a separate mailing, you’ll receive your vision ID card from EyeMed. This is not your dental ID card. Members in all G.E.H.A plans get vision benefits through Connection Vision Powered by EyeMed.
Premium deductions usually begin the first pay period after the effective date of coverage. If you have more questions about premiums, contact BENEFEDS (the enrollment and premium vendor contracted by the government for the FEDVIP program) at 877.888.3337.
  • Overage Dependent application — When enrolling a new overage dependent using the Connection Dental Plus Enrollment form, you will use the overage dependent's personal contact information throughout the application unless otherwise noted.
  • Parent information is needed in the Employment Information section under Federal Employment status, where you should select Not Applicable. After you select Not Applicable, you'll be prompted to enter the name of the parent who is either a federal employee, a former federal employee or a survivor annuitant.

  • Payment options — Once your application is submitted, you will need to take steps to complete your payment plan. Your Connection Dental Plus coverage will not begin until the first of the month following receipt of your premium payment.
    • Bank Draft — Monthly or Quarterly from Checking or Savings: The Bank Draft Authorization form must be completed after you submit your application. Premiums are drafted automatically on the first day of the month.
    • Invoice Billing — Quarterly invoice billing from Connection Dental Plus: We will contact you for your initial premium payment after you submit the application.

Application process — After you click Submit on the Connection Dental Plus Enrollment form, you will see the "Next step" page, where you will set up your payment options. Please allow us one to two weeks to process your application and mail your ID cards.

  • If you choose "Bank draft payment," your coverage will begin on the first of the month following receipt of your Application and Bank Draft Authorization Form.
  • If you choose "Quarterly billing," your coverage will begin on the first of the month following receipt of your premium payment.

You can download a Plan Brochure and other plan materials in our Resource Center.
Open Season for the 2025 plan year ended on December 9, 2024.

By federal regulation, open seasons are held each fall, from the Monday of the second full week in November to the Monday of the second full week in December.

For new members, your ID card should arrive 10 to 14 days after G.E.H.A receives your enrollment form.

For existing members who have requested replacement ID cards, please allow 10 to 14 days from the date of your request.

Changes can be made outside of Open Season when you have a qualifying life event. Examples of qualifying life events include, but are not limited to, marriage, divorce, birth of child, etc.

Enrollment changes will need to be processed through your personnel office. Generally, you must make the change within 60 days of the event.

No. All GEHA ID cards are issued in the primary subscriber’s name. However, these cards are good for all covered family members.

If you are already enrolled in a Self and Family medical plan, you can contact us directly to add your newborn by calling 800.821.6136.

If you are not yet enrolled in a Self and Family option, please contact your personnel office to make the change.

Click to order a free maternity resource kit.

If you have a Self Only enrollment, you may change to a Self and Family enrollment or a Self Plus One enrollment 31 days before to 60 days after you give birth. Contact your employing or retirement office to have your baby added to your medical plan.

Self and Family or Self Plus One enrollments begin on the first day of the pay period in which the child is born or becomes an eligible family member. If you give birth at an in-network facility, benefits are payable at 100% of the plan allowable for labor and delivery.

If you have a Self and Family or Self Plus One enrollment, then you may add your child by providing a copy of your child’s birth certificate, their name and Social Security number (when available) to our Enrollment Department at

All family member changes should also be made with your employing or retirement agency to ensure correct information is on file in your personnel folder.

To access the GEHA member portal, you must create a new account. Please visit and select "Create account."

Here are a few tips to follow when creating your web account:

  • Make sure you can access your email account, as you will need it to create your account.
  • If possible, use your computer's desktop browser for this process (e.g., Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge). Please avoid using your mobile device for first time registration.
  • Use your member ID card to find the information needed to create your account.
  • Information provided must match your enrollment record on file.
    • First and last name as it appears on your member ID card
    • Relationship to subscriber
    • Member ID
    • Date of birth
  • Visit and select "Create account."

If you have questions or concerns, please reach out to Customer Care at 877.927.1112.

If you are an active federal employee, you'll need to change your name with your employing agency. After you do that, your employing agency will submit the name change to GEHA’s Enrollment Department.

If you are a retired federal employee or a survivor annuitant, you can send your name-change request to GEHA’s Enrollment Department at

A legal name change for your spouse or your dependent child must be submitted to GEHA’s Enrollment Department at, and you need to attach the legal documents supporting the name change.

All changes should also be made with your employing or retirement agency to ensure that correct information is on file in your personnel folder.

We provide benefits for a comprehensive range of preventive care and professional services for adults and children, including the preventive services recommended under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. 

Preventive care services are generally covered with no cost-sharing and are not subject to coinsurance, deductibles or annual limits when received from a network provider.

Here are some resources that can help you learn more about preventive care:

When Medicare is primary, every effort must be made for Medicare to receive all required information to make an accurate benefit determination. GEHA must have the Medicare reason for denial to make our benefit determination.

Medicare does not cover all services. When GEHA has a benefit for those services, GEHA will process your claim per the guidelines in our plan brochure.

If your GEHA enrollment is through active employment, GEHA is primary. If your GEHA enrollment is through retirement, Medicare is primary.

Whether you enroll in Medicare is ultimately your choice. Most members do find it helpful to have both Medicare and GEHA because when Medicare is primary, both GEHA High Option and Standard Option waive the deductible and coinsurance and pick up Medicare's deductible and coinsurance for covered medical services.

If you do not enroll in Medicare, covered services would be payable through GEHA under regular plan benefits, including the deductible and coinsurance. Under FEHB regulations, if you are over 65 and retired, we must limit our payments for inpatient hospital care and physician care to those payments you would be entitled to if you had Medicare. Your physician and hospital must follow Medicare rules and cannot bill you for more than they could bill you if you had Medicare. You and the FEHB benefit from these payment limits.

If you are age 65 or older and retired, even if you do not enroll in Medicare, it is generally to your financial advantage to use a physician who participates with Medicare. Such physicians are permitted to collect only up to the Medicare-approved amount.

Please be aware that if you do not take Part B when you are first eligible and decide to enroll at a later date, Medicare may impose a penalty for late enrollment. Please contact Medicare directly for additional information on penalties.

For more information, visit Medicare + GEHA.

Visit our Find Care tool to find an in-network doctor, hospital, dentist or pharmacy. You can print a customized directory from provider search results. Please remember that if you have Medicare A&B primary, you can choose any provider who accepts Medicare for your care.

Important note: GEHA contracts with the UnitedHealthcare Choice Plus network and the UnitedHealthcare Select Plus network to provide nationwide access to in-network providers. If you call your provider to confirm that he or she is in the network, please have your GEHA ID card handy. You'll want to ask the provider if he or she participates in the network indicated on your card. Network logos are placed on the front of the card. The back of the ID card tells the provider where to submit claims.

Access to 24/7 virtual access to certified doctors, including dermatologists and licensed therapists for all GEHA medical plans through MDLIVE. Visit our telehealth webpage or call 888.912.1183 to access on demand, affordable, high-quality care for adults and children experiencing non-emergency medical issues. This includes treatment of minor acute conditions and counseling for behavioral health and substance use disorder.

Note: This benefit is available only through the MDLIVE contracted telehealth provider network.

Not all providers are considered participating in-network providers at all locations where they practice. It is the member's responsibility to verify that the provider is a participating network provider at the location where services are being rendered.

In addition, not all services performed at a participating provider's office are covered services.

It is the member's responsibility to verify coverage of services.

Under GEHA's FEDVIP dental plan, you are NOT required to go to a specific dentist. You can go to any covered provider. We define a covered provider as any licensed dentist, dental hygienist or denturist acting within the scope of such license.

If you use an out-of-network provider, you would be responsible for paying the difference between their charge and the GEHA allowable amount.
To apply to be in the network, you must complete and sign both an Application and a Participating Provider Agreement, and submit any requested supporting documentation. You can begin the process by downloading these forms at
GEHA recently launched a new member account creation and login process for users of and the GEHA mobile application that uses multifactor authentication (MFA). To access these GEHA digital resources, you need to create a web account that includes a valid email address (one you can access) as the user name as well as a secure password.

According to studies conducted by the University of Maryland, hacker attacks on computers with Internet access occur every 39 seconds on average, effecting 1 in 3 Americans every year.* These attacks cause major computer systems to crash. They prevent government entities and businesses from providing essential services. And perhaps even worse, they expose sensitive personal data that results in identity theft, financial loss, damage to one's personal reputation and more.

As technology advances so do the methods cybercriminals use to carry out their attacks. This means companies like GEHA must continue to evolve their security measures to protect you against this growing threat.

One effective way companies can protect your data is by implementing multifactor authentication, which requires users to provide two or more pieces of evidence to verify their identity when trying to access a digital resource.

You'll also need to be prepared to use one the following for your GEHA multifactor authentication set-up: Your valid email address, mobile phone for receiving a text message or any phone to receive a voice call.

Click to create your GEHA account

For new account creation please have the following ready:
  • First and last name as it appears on your member ID card
  • Relationship to subscriber
  • Member ID
  • Date of birth
*Source: "Study: Hackers Attack Every 39 Seconds,"

To access the GEHA member portal, you must create a new account. Please visit and select "Create account."

Here are a few tips to follow when creating your web account:

  • Make sure you can access your email account, as you will need it to create your account.
  • If possible, use your computer's desktop browser for this process (e.g., Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge). Please avoid using your mobile device for first time registration.
  • Use your member ID card to find the information needed to create your account.
  • Information provided must match your enrollment record on file.
    • First and last name as it appears on your member ID card
    • Relationship to subscriber
    • Member ID
    • Date of birth
  • Visit and select "Create account."

If you have questions or concerns, please reach out to Customer Care at 877.927.1112.

Yes, that is correct. Coverage for all FEDVIP plans begins January 1 of the new plan year.
Unfortunately, time covered by Connection Dental Plus will not count toward the orthodontic waiting period for GEHA Connection Dental Federal. These are separate programs and eligibility will not transfer from one to another.
This plan will cover the replacement of an existing appliance, such as a bridge, denture or implant, if the appliance needs to be replaced, is at least 5 years old and cannot be fixed.
Yes. You can find this information in Section 5 of the dental plan brochure.
No. We will pay the same percentage whether you use an in-network dentist or an out-of-network dentist.

If you use an out-of-network provider, you would be responsible for paying the difference between their charge and the GEHA allowable amount.
You’ll need to sign in to your GEHA web account using the Account Sign In box on the left. Be sure to check the box next to “Provider.” If this is your first time signing in, you’ll need to click “Register Now” to get started. Once you’re signed in, you’ll have access to eligibility information as well as up to 18 months of claims data.
You can download a Plan Brochure and other plan materials in our Resource Center.
GEHA Connection Dental Federal pays a percentage of costs. You can find the percentages paid for covered services in section 5 of the GEHA Connection Dental Federal plan brochure.
No. We will pay the same percentage whether you use an in-network dentist or an out-of-network dentist.
GEHA offers multiple ways to submit a claim.

  1. GEHA will accept an itemized bill or receipt that includes all of the following information:
    • Name of patient and relationship to member
    • Member identification number
    • Name, degree (MD, RN, PhD, etc.) and address of provider
    • Date of services or treatments
    • Description, in English, of each service or treatment
    • Tooth number, tooth surface, quadrant, and/or arch on which treatment or service was performed
    • Charge for each service or treatment

    Note: In most cases we are able to convert charges into dollars and translate services into English. You may aid this process by submitting a separate English-language outline of the rendered services and/or treatments. Be sure to include your name and GEHA ID number on this outline and on the original itemized bill. We will do our best to work with what you send us.
  2. You may also print an ADA claim form.

You or your provider may send paper claims to:

GEHA Connection Dental Federal P.O. Box 21542 Eagan MN 55121-9930

You may also send them via e-mail to or fax them to 816.257.3241. Please send a separate fax for each patient. Also, please designate on the claim whether you want payment to be distributed to you or your provider.
No. You can be enrolled in any health plan and still enroll in GEHA Connection Dental Federal. The only requirement is that you must be eligible to participate in the FEDVIP program.
No, we do not have a missing-tooth limitation.
You must update your address or enrollment and eligibility information at or by calling 877.888.3337. Please be sure to update both your residence address and your mailing address.
No. If GEHA is your carrier for both FEHB and FEDVIP coverage, you only need to submit the bill once. We will take care of the rest for you.
Yes. We will coordinate benefits with TRICARE dental and other group dental coverage.
Charges for other work, such as routine cleanings, apply to the calendar year dental maximum per covered person. The orthodontic lifetime maximum is separate and applies to orthodontic treatment only.
For some services, there may be more than one acceptable choice of treatment. Our plan will limit benefits to the lowest-cost treatment option that meets accepted standards of professional dental care. Limiting benefits to the lowest-cost treatment option allows us to provide coverage for as many common procedures as possible while keeping our members' premiums affordable. When we apply an alternative benefit to limit reimbursement, our action is not meant to dictate treatment or to question the professional judgment of your provider.

In Section 5 of the Plan Brochure we have added asterisks (*) to help you identify procedures that we determined have a lower-cost treatment option.
Yes, as long as they are eligible to participate in the FEHB program. You do not have to join an FEHB plan to participate in the FEDVIP program.
You can view our plan summary information or download the plan brochure, which include specifics on covered services as well as any limitations and exclusions. We also have a dental pricing lookup tool to allow members and prospective members to look up the general non-network maximum allowable charge for common dental services.
GEHA recently launched a new member account creation and login process for users of and the GEHA mobile application that uses multifactor authentication (MFA). To access these GEHA digital resources, you need to create a web account that includes a valid email address (one you can access) as the user name as well as a secure password.

According to studies conducted by the University of Maryland, hacker attacks on computers with Internet access occur every 39 seconds on average, effecting 1 in 3 Americans every year.* These attacks cause major computer systems to crash. They prevent government entities and businesses from providing essential services. And perhaps even worse, they expose sensitive personal data that results in identity theft, financial loss, damage to one's personal reputation and more.

As technology advances so do the methods cybercriminals use to carry out their attacks. This means companies like GEHA must continue to evolve their security measures to protect you against this growing threat.

One effective way companies can protect your data is by implementing multifactor authentication, which requires users to provide two or more pieces of evidence to verify their identity when trying to access a digital resource.

You'll also need to be prepared to use one the following for your GEHA multifactor authentication set-up: Your valid email address, mobile phone for receiving a text message or any phone to receive a voice call.

Click to create your GEHA account

For new account creation please have the following ready:
  • First and last name as it appears on your member ID card
  • Relationship to subscriber
  • Member ID
  • Date of birth
*Source: "Study: Hackers Attack Every 39 Seconds,"
No. We still offer enrollment in Connection Dental Plus all year long. However, federal employees may enroll in our GEHA Connection Dental Federal FEDVIP plan only during Open Season unless they experience a qualifying life event that allows otherwise.
Dentists often contract for payment of the total treatment charge when the bands are placed. If the waiting period has been met, the total case fee and the maximum allowed amount will be divided by the number of months for the total treatment plan. Each resulting portion will be considered to be incurred on a quarterly basis until the lifetime maximum is paid, treatment is completed or eligibility ends – whichever comes first. You do not need to resubmit the charges each quarter, but we will require your dentist to verify that you or your child is still receiving active treatment.
When a member has more than one insurance plan, GEHA needs to know so we can determine how to coordinate your coverage to ensure you’re getting the most out of your plan.

One plan becomes your “primary” plan and will process your claims first. The “secondary” plan may pay toward the remaining charges. This process is called coordination of benefits.

I’m a GEHA dental member. Why is GEHA asking for information about my health plan?

The Federal Employees Dental and Vision Insurance Program (FEDVIP) requires the FEHB plan to be primary over the FEDVIP plan. This is known as “coordination of benefits.” Many FEHB plans have limited preventive dental benefits. When GEHA is secondary, our payment will be the lesser of 1) our regular benefit or 2) the remaining balance which when added to the primary carrier's payment will not exceed the dentist billed amount or the negotiated rate. In addition to benefits payable by your FEHB medical plan, you should let GEHA know if you or your covered dependents have other dental coverage.

How is it determined which plan is “primary” or “secondary”?

We apply guidelines from the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC).

The most common rules for determining the order of payment are the Non-Dependent/Dependent Rule, the Active/Inactive Rule and the Birthday Rule.

  • Non-dependent/Dependent Rule: The plan that covers an individual as an enrollee or subscriber is the primary payer over a plan that covers an individual as a dependent, for example, as a spouse.
  • Active/Inactive Rule: The plan that covers an individual as an active employee or as the dependent of an active employee is the primary payer over the plan that covers the individual as a retired or laid off employee or as the dependent of such an employee.
  • Birthday Rule: This rule determines whether a plan is primary or secondary for a dependent child who is covered by both parents' benefit plans and those parents live together. The plan covering the parent whose birthday (month and day only) falls first in a calendar year provides primary coverage for the child. If both parents have the same birthday, then the plan that has been in effect the longest pays as primary.

A different set of rules applies to a dependent child whose parents are divorced or separated or are not living together, whether or not they have ever been married:

  1. If a court decree states that one of the parents is responsible for the child's health care expenses/coverage ("health care coverage responsibility") and the plan covering that parent has actual knowledge of those terms, that plan is primary. If the responsible parent has no coverage for the child’s health care expenses, but that parent's spouse does, that parent's spouse's plan is the primary plan.
  2. If a court decree states that both parents are responsible for the child’s health care expenses/coverage, the Birthday Rule determines the order of benefits;
  3. If a court decree states that the parents have joint custody without specifying that one parent has health care coverage responsibility, the Birthday Rule determines the order of benefits; or
  4. If there is no court decree allocating health care coverage responsibility for the child, the order of benefits for the child is as follows:
    1. The plan covering the custodial parent;
    2. The plan covering the custodial parent's spouse;
    3. The plan covering the non-custodial parent; and then
    4. The plan covering the non-custodial parent's spouse.
  5. For additional information on NAIC rules regarding the coordinating of benefits, visit the NAIC website.

    How does the coordination of benefits happen?

    If it is determined that GEHA is the secondary plan, copies of the primary carrier’s Explanation of Benefits (EOB) forms will need to be submitted by you or your provider. Once we have a copy of the EOB, GEHA can determine our payment on the remaining balance.

    If the primary plan is a FEHB plan, GEHA will estimate benefits payable if the FEHB EOB is not received. The estimation of benefits is based on the dental benefits listed in the FEHB brochure.

    How does GEHA know who my FEHB carrier is?

    GEHA receives information every Open Season, through BENEFEDS, indicating the 3-digit FEHB Health Plan enrollment code. GEHA may request that you verify your health insurance plan annually or at the time of service. You may call or mail other coverage information or report it online at

    Can’t the plans just work it out? Why do I have to get involved?

    Most commercial plans only share protected health information with their members or providers.

    Update your information to process claims faster

    Coordinating your benefits helps us process your claims faster and maximizes your benefits, which can lower your out-of-pocket expenses. It is important that we keep your information up-to-date. We’ll send you a letter from time to time asking if you have any additional coverage. Please respond to that letter. If we don’t receive your response, we may delay processing your claims until the information is received.

    We appreciate you taking an active role in making certain your information is correct.

BENEFEDS sends G.E.H.A your enrollment record after your coverage is effective with us. G.E.H.A will mail your ID cards and plan information within 15 days after your effective date. For example, if your effective date is January 1, you should receive your ID cards by January 15.

In a separate mailing, you’ll receive your vision ID card from EyeMed. This is not your dental ID card. Members in all G.E.H.A plans get vision benefits through Connection Vision Powered by EyeMed.
Dental benefits available from your FEHB carrier will be considered before we calculate benefits payable by GEHA. You must include your FEHB plan ID number on your claims when you submit them to GEHA.
Submit your claims directly to:
GEHA Connection Dental Federal
P.O. Box 21542
Eagan MN 55121-9930
If you have additional dental coverage, you must first submit your dental claim to your other dental plan(s), then submit your dental claim to GEHA along with the other plan's explanation of benefits (EOB).

If you are not a GEHA FEHB medical plan member, you must first submit your dental claim to your FEHB medical plan, and then submit your dental claim to GEHA, along with the FEHB medical plan's explanation of benefits (EOB).

If the EOB from your FEHB medical plan is not submitted with your claim, we may estimate the amount your plan would have paid.
Yes. All GEHA health and dental plan members receive vision coverage for no additional premium. GEHA makes this non-FEDVIP, non-FEHB benefit available through EyeMed Vision. If you are a GEHA Connection Dental Federal FEDVIP plan member or covered dependent, you pay only a $5 copay on an eye exam at participating EyeMed in-network locations. Or, you may receive up to a $45 reimbursement benefit at a non-participating out-of-network location. You can also receive discounts off the retail price of lenses; frames; specialty items such as tints, lightweight plastics, and scratch-resistant coatings; contact lenses and surgical procedures (including LASIK) at participating EyeMed locations. For a list of participating locations, go to and select the Insight network from the "Choose Network" drop-down list, or call 866.804.0982.
Open Season for the 2025 plan year ended on December 9, 2024.

By federal regulation, open seasons are held each fall, from the Monday of the second full week in November to the Monday of the second full week in December.
Premium deductions usually begin the first pay period after the effective date of coverage. If you have more questions about premiums, contact BENEFEDS (the enrollment and premium vendor contracted by the government for the FEDVIP program) at 877.888.3337.
  • Overage Dependent application — When enrolling a new overage dependent using the Connection Dental Plus Enrollment form, you will use the overage dependent's personal contact information throughout the application unless otherwise noted.
  • Parent information is needed in the Employment Information section under Federal Employment status, where you should select Not Applicable. After you select Not Applicable, you'll be prompted to enter the name of the parent who is either a federal employee, a former federal employee or a survivor annuitant.

Submit claims to the network address on the back your GEHA ID card, for both in- and out-of-network claims. Submit Medicare primary claims or out-of-network charges that you have paid in full to:

P.O. Box 21542
Eagan, MN 55121 

Note: All claims submitted to GEHA should include itemized bills that show the following information:

  • Patient’s name, date of birth, address, phone number and relationship to member
  • Patient’s plan identification number
  • Name and address of person or company providing the service or supply
  • Dates that services or supplies were furnished
  • Diagnosis
  • Type of each service or supply
  • The charge for each service or supply
  • Provider signature

Note: Canceled checks, cash register receipts or balance due statements are not acceptable substitutes for itemized bills. 

For more information, visit Claims for GEHA medical members.

For new members, your ID card should arrive 10 to 14 days after G.E.H.A receives your enrollment form.

For existing members who have requested replacement ID cards, please allow 10 to 14 days from the date of your request.

Changes can be made outside of Open Season when you have a qualifying life event. Examples of qualifying life events include, but are not limited to, marriage, divorce, birth of child, etc.

Enrollment changes will need to be processed through your personnel office. Generally, you must make the change within 60 days of the event.

Visit our Find Care tool to find an in-network doctor, hospital, dentist or pharmacy. You can print a customized directory from provider search results. Please remember that if you have Medicare A&B primary, you can choose any provider who accepts Medicare for your care.

Important note: GEHA contracts with the UnitedHealthcare Choice Plus network and the UnitedHealthcare Select Plus network to provide nationwide access to in-network providers. If you call your provider to confirm that he or she is in the network, please have your GEHA ID card handy. You'll want to ask the provider if he or she participates in the network indicated on your card. Network logos are placed on the front of the card. The back of the ID card tells the provider where to submit claims.

Chiropractors will be added to our Find Care tool in January 2019. (They were previously excluded from GEHA’s provider search due to the limited benefit for their services.)

For complete information on chiropractic benefits, refer to GEHA’s plan brochures (RI 71-006 for High and Standard OptionsRI 71-014 for High Deductible Health Plan).

Click Sign in. From there, you will need to either sign in or create an account. Once you are signed in, find the "View all claims/EOBs" link on your member dashboard. You can view GEHA claims processed in the last 10 years.

No. All GEHA ID cards are issued in the primary subscriber’s name. However, these cards are good for all covered family members.

  • Payment options — Once your application is submitted, you will need to take steps to complete your payment plan. Your Connection Dental Plus coverage will not begin until the first of the month following receipt of your premium payment.
    • Bank Draft — Monthly or Quarterly from Checking or Savings: The Bank Draft Authorization form must be completed after you submit your application. Premiums are drafted automatically on the first day of the month.
    • Invoice Billing — Quarterly invoice billing from Connection Dental Plus: We will contact you for your initial premium payment after you submit the application.

If you are already enrolled in a Self and Family medical plan, you can contact us directly to add your newborn by calling 800.821.6136.

If you are not yet enrolled in a Self and Family option, please contact your personnel office to make the change.

Click to order a free maternity resource kit.

If you have a Self Only enrollment, you may change to a Self and Family enrollment or a Self Plus One enrollment 31 days before to 60 days after you give birth. Contact your employing or retirement office to have your baby added to your medical plan.

Self and Family or Self Plus One enrollments begin on the first day of the pay period in which the child is born or becomes an eligible family member. If you give birth at an in-network facility, benefits are payable at 100% of the plan allowable for labor and delivery.

If you have a Self and Family or Self Plus One enrollment, then you may add your child by providing a copy of your child’s birth certificate, their name and Social Security number (when available) to our Enrollment Department at

All family member changes should also be made with your employing or retirement agency to ensure correct information is on file in your personnel folder.

Application process — After you click Submit on the Connection Dental Plus Enrollment form, you will see the "Next step" page, where you will set up your payment options. Please allow us one to two weeks to process your application and mail your ID cards.

  • If you choose "Bank draft payment," your coverage will begin on the first of the month following receipt of your Application and Bank Draft Authorization Form.
  • If you choose "Quarterly billing," your coverage will begin on the first of the month following receipt of your premium payment.

The GEHA HOLDINGS, INC.® financial control services provided to Government Employees Health Association, Inc. ("GEHA"), such as financial management and consolidated reporting of data, allow GEHA to better serve its members and providers. These GEHA HOLDINGS, INC.® services, such as overall ownership, management and administration of various subsidiary corporations, strengthen the quality of the GEHA family of companies.

When Medicare is primary, every effort must be made for Medicare to receive all required information to make an accurate benefit determination. GEHA must have the Medicare reason for denial to make our benefit determination.

Medicare does not cover all services. When GEHA has a benefit for those services, GEHA will process your claim per the guidelines in our plan brochure.

A calendar-year deductible is the amount you must pay out-of-pocket each year before the plan begins to pay benefits. Not all services are subject to the deductible.

See the plan brochure for more services payable without deductible.

We cannot guarantee the availability of every specialty in all areas. If an in-network provider is unavailable, or you do not use an in-network provider, the standard out-of-network benefits apply.

For complete information, refer to GEHA’s plan brochures (RI 71-006 for High and Standard OptionsRI 71-014 for High Deductible Health Plan).

If your GEHA enrollment is through active employment, GEHA is primary. If your GEHA enrollment is through retirement, Medicare is primary.

Whether you enroll in Medicare is ultimately your choice. Most members do find it helpful to have both Medicare and GEHA because when Medicare is primary, both GEHA High Option and Standard Option waive the deductible and coinsurance and pick up Medicare's deductible and coinsurance for covered medical services.

If you do not enroll in Medicare, covered services would be payable through GEHA under regular plan benefits, including the deductible and coinsurance. Under FEHB regulations, if you are over 65 and retired, we must limit our payments for inpatient hospital care and physician care to those payments you would be entitled to if you had Medicare. Your physician and hospital must follow Medicare rules and cannot bill you for more than they could bill you if you had Medicare. You and the FEHB benefit from these payment limits.

If you are age 65 or older and retired, even if you do not enroll in Medicare, it is generally to your financial advantage to use a physician who participates with Medicare. Such physicians are permitted to collect only up to the Medicare-approved amount.

Please be aware that if you do not take Part B when you are first eligible and decide to enroll at a later date, Medicare may impose a penalty for late enrollment. Please contact Medicare directly for additional information on penalties.

For more information, visit Medicare + GEHA.

Although GEHA no longer accepts medical provider nominations submitted by a member, your provider can initiate a nomination by following the steps below:

  1. Visit then click on “Our network” then “Join our network”
  2. Select the appropriate provider type
  3. Follow the instructions to complete the application.

To access the GEHA member portal, you must create a new account. Please visit and select "Create account."

Here are a few tips to follow when creating your web account:

  • Make sure you can access your email account, as you will need it to create your account.
  • If possible, use your computer's desktop browser for this process (e.g., Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge). Please avoid using your mobile device for first time registration.
  • Use your member ID card to find the information needed to create your account.
  • Information provided must match your enrollment record on file.
    • First and last name as it appears on your member ID card
    • Relationship to subscriber
    • Member ID
    • Date of birth
  • Visit and select "Create account."

If you have questions or concerns, please reach out to Customer Care at 877.927.1112.

If you are an active federal employee, you'll need to change your name with your employing agency. After you do that, your employing agency will submit the name change to GEHA’s Enrollment Department.

If you are a retired federal employee or a survivor annuitant, you can send your name-change request to GEHA’s Enrollment Department at

A legal name change for your spouse or your dependent child must be submitted to GEHA’s Enrollment Department at, and you need to attach the legal documents supporting the name change.

All changes should also be made with your employing or retirement agency to ensure that correct information is on file in your personnel folder.

To qualify for the transplant travel and lodging benefit, you must meet all of the following criteria:

  1. G.E.H.A is your primary insurance carrier.
  2. You will be having a transplant that is considered specialized. There include: stem cell, bone marrow transplants for qualifying diagnoses and solid organ transplants including: autologous pancreas inlet cell transplant (as an adjunct to total or near total pancreatectomy) only for patients with chronic pancreatitis; heart; heart/lung; intestinal transplants (isolated small intestine; small intestine with the liver; small intestine with multiple organs, such as the liver, stomach and pancreas); kidney/pancreas (when both organs are transplanted during the same procedure); liver; lung; pancreas. (Please note: kidney-only transplants and cornea transplants are not considered specialized and do not qualify for the travel and lodging benefit.)
  3. The facility where you will be getting the transplant is a plan-designated facility for the transplant you are having that is over 100 miles from your home address.

We provide benefits for a comprehensive range of preventive care and professional services for adults and children, including the preventive services recommended under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. 

Preventive care services are generally covered with no cost-sharing and are not subject to coinsurance, deductibles or annual limits when received from a network provider.

Here are some resources that can help you learn more about preventive care:

Verify with your provider that they are in the network indicated on your insurance card. Next, review your Explanation of Benefits with the provider, including the notes documentation for the disallow amount and patient responsibility amount.

If your provider does not cooperate, please contact Customer Care at 800.821.6136 or write to us at:

P.O. Box 21542
Eagan, MN 55121

Access to 24/7 virtual access to certified doctors, including dermatologists and licensed therapists for all GEHA medical plans through MDLIVE. Visit our telehealth webpage or call 888.912.1183 to access on demand, affordable, high-quality care for adults and children experiencing non-emergency medical issues. This includes treatment of minor acute conditions and counseling for behavioral health and substance use disorder.

Note: This benefit is available only through the MDLIVE contracted telehealth provider network.

Not all providers are considered participating in-network providers at all locations where they practice. It is the member's responsibility to verify that the provider is a participating network provider at the location where services are being rendered.

In addition, not all services performed at a participating provider's office are covered services.

It is the member's responsibility to verify coverage of services.

Under GEHA's FEDVIP dental plan, you are NOT required to go to a specific dentist. You can go to any covered provider. We define a covered provider as any licensed dentist, dental hygienist or denturist acting within the scope of such license.

If you use an out-of-network provider, you would be responsible for paying the difference between their charge and the GEHA allowable amount.
To apply to be in the network, you must complete and sign both an Application and a Participating Provider Agreement, and submit any requested supporting documentation. You can begin the process by downloading these forms at